About Nordea E-payment
Welcome to Nordea’s online bank payments service.
Nordea Bank Abp (business identity code: 2858394-9), Nordea, provides customers of online merchants – You – the ability to pay from your bank accounts also in other Finnish banks. This is done in a similar way as e-payments or online bank payments that are offered by all Finnish banks.
Nordea is, enabled by the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2), able to offer secure and smooth online bank payments also to customers of other Finnish banks. These payments are called Payment Initiation Service (PIS) payments.
In these payments Nordea acts as the Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP) which means that Nordea provides the technical service to make a payment initiation request to your home bank. This is all done in a secure manner and always with your consent. The actual payment – moving money from your account to the online merchant’s or PSP’s account – is done by your own bank.
The payment flow is very similar to the familiar e-payment, or online bank – payment, with one additional step: Nordea asks for your consent to initiate the payment.
- In the merchant’s web shop, you either select your bank or to pay from your online bank.
- Nordea asks for your consent to initiate the payment and directs you to your bank’s pages to log-in and confirm the payment.
- The log-in and payment confirmation is done with bank credentials and tools which your bank has provided to you.
- Once you have confirmed the payment at your bank’s pages, you are then returned to the web shop via Nordea.
In the online bank payments service, Nordea banking customers make an e-payment.
For You – the payer – there are several key things to keep in-mind
- Nordea, as the Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP), and as provider of the e-Payment service will
- ask for your consent before initiating the payment on your behalf.
- use only the required information to be able to provide the payment initiation- and e-payment service, including payment refunds. This information may include: the payment amount, reference number (provided by the online merchant), a unique payment identifier (provided by the online merchant), your bank account number and name. See more on Nordea Privacy Policy.
- do the payment initiation request to your own bank immediately.
- not hold your money during the payment process. The money is paid directly to the online merchant or the PSP.
- Your bank will
- ask you to log-in and confirm the payment with the credentials and tools that have been provided to you.
- execute or make the payment from your account in the same way as if you would have made the payment with the tools provided by your bank. For example, from your bank’s online banking service. The due date for the payment is immediate.
- provide details of the payment in your bank’s online banking service and/or in your bank account statement.
- Browser cache
- Browser programs use cache memory where the pages used during the connection are stored. E-payment pages can also be stored in the cache. If you are using a shared computer (at work or at a library, for example), clear the cache after using Netbank.
- Clear the cache every time you have made an e-payment on a shared computer. If you are the only user of the PC, you do not need to clear the cache.
- You can clear the cache in the browser settings at Tools -> Internet options. Clearing the cache will remove all other pages you have looked up as well.